social media ads for auctionet brand transformation



Auctionet with AFFAIRS

Motion design

Concept development

Social media

While at AFFAIRS I assisted the Brand team with launching our complete rebrand of, the one stop shop for valued objects online. As part of the launch campaign I conceptualized and produced a series of social media ads in three formats, each in 6 and 15 second lengths.

The main idea behind the rebrand is to highlight the exciting contrast that exists on a platform where highly coveted, expensive antiques can co-exist next to second-hand bargains. These objects hold more than monetary value. Objects can be of value to you for many different reasons, it could be sentimental, nostalgic, aesthetic, etc... Auctionet celebrates valued objects, no matter what "value" means to you.

Within the parentheses of the new wordmark we can fit a whole spectrum of valued objects. The animation concept created by me & Art director Julia sought to illustrate this idea as clearly as possible by "swiping" by all manner of different objects to show the diversity and wide selection found on Auctionet.

Made with AFFAIRS. Art direction by Julia Hermansson and Eleonore Andersson. Creative direction by Patrik Beskow. Project lead was Lotta Lysell.

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social media ads for auctionet brand transformation

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